Treating salt deficiency in the human body

Treating salt deficiency in the human body
Salts, especially sodium, are one of the most important nutrients for the body, and there may be an imbalance in the proportion of these salts because the body does not get enough of them, or the body cannot obtain these salts from food. What is an issue in them? Treatment of salt deficiency in the human body ? Let’s get to know all the details together in the next article.
Symptoms of salt deficiency in the body
Among the most common symptoms that a person suffers from when suffering from a lack of salt in his body are:
- nausea
- headache attacks
- Lack and loss of energy
- Constant feeling of drowsiness
- Fatigue and tiredness
- Insomnia and sleep disturbances
- Weakness of the muscles of the body
- cramps
Causes of salt deficiency in the body
The most common causes of calcium deficiency in the body include:
You have some diseases
It can be due to certain medical illnesses and health conditions, such as in some cases:
- the heart
- liver
- the kidneys
One of the main causes of low levels of sodium and salt in the blood is that these diseases help the body to form fluids.
take some medicine
Some medicines can have a negative effect on the level of natural salts in the human body, examples of these medicines include:
- Some pain relievers
- some antidepressants
- some diuretics
drink a lot of water
If you drink more water than your body needs, it is likely that the kidneys will not be able to remove this water from the body, and then the problem of sodium deficiency occurs in the body and the body naturally loses large proportions of sodium while eating it and sweating, and thus the level of sodium in the body drops the blood.
hormonal changes
In the event that the adrenal gland is unable to produce its hormones that help the body maintain the ratio of sodium, potassium and water, it inevitably leads to a low level of sodium in the body and the emergence of some health problems such as Addison’s disease.
Suffering from diarrhea and vomiting
If you have diarrhea or vomiting, the sodium levels in your body may drop as a result of these problems.
You have some disease syndromes
There are some health problems such as the syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone which leads to a low level of sodium in the body as it helps the body to retain water.
Treating salt deficiency in the human body
There are two reasons that can lead to a lack of sodium salts in the body, and they are:
- your diet
- Drink plenty of water every day
In this case, your doctor will first ask you to reduce your daily fluid intake, as drinking plenty of fluids will reduce the level of sodium in the body even more.
The doctor may also adjust the dose of diuretics to increase the level of sodium in the body, but in the case of severe hyponatremia, the treatment in this case is as follows:
Treating salt deficiency in the human body with food
يمكن للجسم الحصول على الكمية المناسبة من الصوديوم من خلال بعض الأطعمة ، مثل:
- vegetable juice
- Shrimp
- dilemma
- tomato sauce
- preserved meat
- canned vegetables
- boiled beans
Treatment of salt deficiency in the human body with intravenous fluids
In severe deficiency, your condition may require intravenous fluids containing sodium solution to increase sodium levels in the body, but this method of treatment requires medical supervision, so it is best to take it in the hospital in the correct order of sodium levels in the body during treatment, because any return to its relationship and normal level in the body may put you at risk.
Treatment of salt deficiency in the human body with medicines
There are some medicines that will help treat the symptoms and problems of low sodium levels in the body and these medicines will be prescribed by your specialist according to your condition.
This is how you can prevent salt deficiency in the body
Low levels of sodium in the body can be prevented by:
- Treating problems that can lead to a lack of sodium in the body, such as: B. Problems and adrenal insufficiency.
- When you exercise, you need to drink enough fluids to replace the sodium lost through sweating.
- Drink enough water to meet your body’s needs and don’t drink too much to keep your sodium levels low.
At the end of our article, dear reader, we hope that we have clarified everything related to the lack of body salt and how to treat and prevent the problem. So follow the instructions and feel free to check with your medical professional if you experience any symptoms of this condition, and you may also learn about the symptoms of sodium deficiency if children are the main benefits and sources of access to them.