facial care

Yeast method for face lubrication – medical information for every day

Yeast method for face lubrication – medical information for every day


Learn about the yeast method for lubricating the face and how to prepare a face mask with beer yeast to preserve its multiple benefits for the skin and increase its freshness and vitality, dear reader, follow us for the next article to find out.

What is yeast?

It is clear from brewer’s yeast that it is one of the types of yeast that can be obtained through the fermentation of beer, and many people use it in baking and preparing many foods, and nutritional yeast can be used to make many medicines and for different purposes. Medicinal Purposes Dietary supplements are often made using yeast beer with non-living dry yeast.

Yeast is used for medicinal purposes because it contains chromium that can help lower blood sugar levels, especially in diabetics. Yeast also contains some enzymes that improve gut and digestive health. Because of the many benefits of yeast, some can use it for numerous cosmetic purposes.

Yeast method for lubrication of the face

A full and round face is one of the signs of beauty for women, so many women want to make the face thicker and get rid of the thinness and annoying appearance that exacerbates the signs of aging in women, and women are always looking for the best. Natural recipes to help Natural methods and well-known recipes using brewer’s yeast and making a face mask helps in improving the aesthetic appearance of the skin.

However, it must be emphasized that to avoid side effects or serious skin reactions that can seriously harm you, do not use natural formulations without first consulting your doctor.

Yeast recipes to lubricate the face

Yeast and yogurt

You can make a face mask by mixing half a tablespoon of yogurt with half a tablespoon of yeast, apply it on the face and neck and leave it for at least 30 minutes, then wash the face with warm water.

Yeast with milk and honey

You can also use a yeast mask, which is prepared by mixing a tablespoon of milk with a teaspoon of honey and a tablespoon of brewer’s yeast, massaging the face and neck with this mixture, leaving it for about 20 minutes, and then pouring it warm. water on the face.

Health benefits of yeast

Now that you know how to lubricate yeast for the face and some of the commonly used recipes, it is important that you understand the other health benefits of yeast, the most important of which are:

Improve the health of hair, skin and nails

Several studies indicate that yeast can be useful for improving and strengthening nail health, as well as treating severe hair loss, promoting healthy skin, and reducing many skin problems such as acne.

lowering blood sugar

Since yeast contains chromium, it is beneficial for diabetics and helps improve blood sugar and cholesterol levels, so yeast is useful for lowering blood sugar, but more studies are needed to confirm this fact.

Strengthening the immune system

Numerous research has shown that nutritional yeast helps promote a healthy immune system and reduce the risk of bacterial and other infections.

In the end, dear reader, and after we explained to you the yeast method for lubricating the face and some recipes that can help you improve your skin, be sure not to use any recipes or natural remedies without consulting your doctor first to convince yourself of the effectiveness and safety with best wishes for health and wellness.


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