The picky child and the importance of vitamins and fortified milk for him

The picky child and the importance of vitamins and fortified milk for him


Being a parent always makes you worried about the condition of your children, whether it is related to their health condition or the type of foods they are eating, they start questioning it and wondering if their child is about to start. He suffers from selective eating disorder ?, That is why we put our article on the selective child and when does the child develop this condition? These are along with the top tips that can help deal with the matter, so stay tuned.

Who is the selective child?

A child who refuses to eat many types of food and tends to eat the same foods over and over again, making it difficult to satiate him while eating. In some cases, the child may eat only small amounts of what is offered to him, causing concern in the parents.

When does a selective child occur?

Selective eating disorder most often occurs in children from the age of one year and can persist until the age of five, as the condition occurs when the child begins to feed himself, and sometimes the child can eat what is offered to him, while at other times he is not allowed to eat. This is one of the most common diseases in children.

After a year of age, a child’s growth begins to slow as a result of eating less food, and this can make parents feel anxious.

Reasons for the emergence of the selective state of the child

Parents should be careful, because incorrect family behavior may lead to excessive intake of drinks such as fruit juices for the child, and the child’s appetite may decrease. Selective eating disorders can also occur in children due to improper practices; The use of urging, scolding, and punishment with the child’s food supply can also cause the child to refuse to eat.

The child’s refusal to eat certain foods may be due to his need for attention and attention and the parents’ need to pay more attention to him. The child’s refusal to eat some foods and not to eat others may be due to the imitation of a family member, as children always tend to imitate the family and those close to them.

The importance of multivitamins for the selective child

Parents fear that their children will not get what they need to grow and that the child will have to take many nutritional and vitamin supplements to get the right types for the child’s condition.

The importance of fortified milk for the selective baby

Fortified milk that is rich in salt and minerals is widely used all over the world to help everyone, old and young, absorb nutrients that may not be present in their diet. Fortified milk contains many more elements than unfortified milk.

Compared to non-fortified milk, fortified milk has many advantages, including:

  • Provide the child with vitamins and minerals that are missing from the diet.
  • Promotes the healthy growth of children . It helps prevent iron deficiency anemia in children because milk is fortified with iron and other nutrients such as zinc and B vitamins.
  • Fortified milk improves brain function in children In one study, those who drank fortified milk showed better academic performance compared to those who drank unfortified milk.
  • Improves bone health It increases bone mineral density because it is especially rich in vitamin D, which helps the body absorb more calcium.

While fortified milk is very beneficial, there are some caveats to watch out for: Babies should not eat this or any other type of milk if they are lactose intolerant and therefore cannot properly digest the sugar in dairy products.

If the child is allergic to lactose or has an allergy to dairy products, milk should be avoided or lactose-free dairy products should be chosen, and if the child is allergic to milk, dairy products should be completely avoided.

The importance of appetizers for picky eaters

Selective appetite can be stimulated by a few simple steps and different food offerings, and appetizers play an important role in arousing the child’s appetite and increasing his appetite for food.

  • Encourage your child to eat healthy snacks by talking about colour, shape, smell and texture.
  • Make your child enjoy eating, so serve him healthy appetizers of vegetables with his favorite sauce or sauce.
  • Cut healthy foods like vegetables and fruits into different shapes until your child wants to eat them.
  • Don’t offer sweets as a reward. Your child may think that candy is the best food for him and this can increase your child’s appetite for sweets. You can eat dessert one or two days a week.

When should you get help?

Although eating disorders are common, there are some warning signs that could indicate a more serious problem. And if you notice any of these signs, call your doctor for help:

  • Difficulty swallowing (dysphagia).
  • Unusually slow growth and development
  • Vomiting or diarrhea
  • Crying while eating, suggesting that he is in pain
  • difficulty chewing
  • Fearful, aggressive, or repetitive behavior may indicate a child has autism.

Additionally, if you feel that you need the help of a professional who can help you deal with a picky child and advise you effectively, seek help from a pediatrician or nutritionist, as doctors can provide advice and support to both parents and children. Now that we know the most important questions related to the selective child, let’s get to know the most important ways that can help deal with it.

How to deal with a selective child

The following tips can help you interact with your child and may also encourage him to eat different types of food, the most important of which are:

  • Respect your child’s appetite and cravings If your child isn’t hungry, don’t force him to eat or snack. Offer them small amounts to give them the opportunity to order more themselves.
  • Stick to a routine and make sure you serve meals and snacks at around the same times each day.
  • Be patient with new food Young children often touch or smell new food and can put small pieces in their mouths and then put them back outside. Your child may need to try each new breed more than once before starting to eat.
  • Preparing a replacement meal for your child after the original meal has been rejected can lead to a resumption of food picking. Encourage your child to stay at the table to eat ready-made food, even if he hasn’t eaten.
  • Let your child help you choose fruits, vegetables, and other healthy foods, and don’t buy anything your child shouldn’t eat.
  • Be a role model: If you eat a variety of healthy foods, your child is more likely to start imitating you.
  • Be creative and come up with new ways to prepare healthy meals that your child will accept and eat.
  • Minimize your child’s distraction. Turn off the television and other electronic devices during meals. This will help your child focus on eating. Watching ads can also encourage your child to eat sugary or nutritious foods.

In the end, dear readers, do you know everything you want to know about the selective child and how to deal with it? Let us know what you think in the comments and let us know if you have any of the kids selected? And how do you deal with them.


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