Benefits, harms and benefits of alum – medical information for every day

Benefits, harms and benefits of alum – medical information for every day
Alum stone has been used for aesthetic purposes in many countries since ancient times, but there are many other benefits and uses of alum, and there are harms that you should be aware of as well, so be sure to follow this article with us.
What is alum?
Alum or alum or as it is known in English alum is a natural chemical compound (salts) of aluminum sulfate and exists with ammonium, sodium or potassium. This chemical compound has many advantages and uses.
Chemical properties of alum
Most chemical alums are colorless, odorless, acidic, and astringent, in the form of large crystals or powders, and soluble in hot water.
types of alum
Alum stones are of three types:
- potassium alum;
- ammonium alum
- Sodium alum.
What are the benefits and uses of alum?
Alum stone is used medicinally as an astringent and is also used in cosmetics because of its many benefits, which we mention below:
Similar to the armpit as a deodorant
It has been used as a deodorant for hundreds of years in Asia, especially Southeast Asia, and recently its use has spread to other cultures, and studies have shown the ability of potassium alum to kill the types of bacteria that grow when sweating, especially in the surrounding area. armpit area and help get rid of the bad smell of the armpits. .
Alum benefits for skin
Alum benefits in skin tightening in addition to its astringent properties that help remove excess oils from the skin that cause acne and pimples in the first place, and it also kills bacteria that improve the skin.
Benefits of alum for the vagina
Some women use alum as a vaginal wash because it dissolves in water and other antibacterial substances may be added to help kill bacteria in the vagina.
Using alum on the face after shaving
due to alum’s astringent and antibacterial properties; Men can use it after shaving to reduce inflammation and stop razor bleeding, as it softens the skin and prevents the spread of bacteria.
Alum to lighten the face
You can make use of alum for whitening by making a face mask using alum and rose water to lighten the skin and remove dark spots and acne. This combination helps reduce blemishes, improve skin texture and even remove fine lines.
- Bring a small bowl to prepare the mixture.
- Add two tablespoons of alum powder.
- Two tablespoons of rose water.
- Mix this mixture well until it becomes a doughy consistency.
- Rinse your face before applying the mask.
- Apply the mask to your face and neck and leave it for 10 minutes to dry.
- Rinse your face well with water.
Alum against foot odor
Sources indicate that you can use a mixture of alum powder, cloves, and calcanthite (Cypriot glass) which has been shown to combat the growth of certain types of bacteria and fungi that cause bad feet odor.
Non-medical uses of alum
Alum has many uses, it is used in many industries such as:
- The dye is used to fix the dye to cotton and other fabrics.
- Leather tanning.
- fire of war.
- Candle making.
- Alum can be used in food, in pickling (making pickles), and in baking powder.
Noticeable; You should consult your doctor before using any natural recipes that contain alum, especially if you have a specific medical problem.
Alum damage
While the benefits of alum have already been mentioned, they may cause some harm, including:
- Nausea, headache, respiratory irritation upon inhalation.
- Stomach infections, vomiting and nausea if swallowed, which can be dangerous if swallowed in large quantities.
- Skin and eye irritation.
Where is alum sold?
This substance is mainly sold in perfume factories, you can go to the nearest perfume factory and ask the seller about alum in its forms, whether it is stone or ground alum, and it can be mixed with other substances, and therefore the price varies.
How to dissolve alum
Dissolved alum is used in some recipes for natural cosmetics, and to dissolve alum you must know that the higher the water temperature, the more alum will dissolve.
Clarification: According to the sources, the amount of aluminum sulfate salts dissolved in water varies according to the temperature. For example, suppose the room temperature is 25°C. If you add 100 ml of water at the same temperature as the alum powder, the amount of dissolved alum will be about 38.5 grams. However, if you add the same amount of water to the fire, the amount of alum dissolved in the water will increase as the temperature increases. Example:
- At a temperature of 40, it melts about 45.8 grams.
- At a temperature of 80, it melts about 73 grams.
- At a temperature of 100 (boiling point) it melts 89 grams.