What is the source of insulin? – Daily medical information

What is the source of insulin? – Daily medical information
Dear reader, if you are wondering what is the source of insulin? ? And how can improve the body’s sensitivity to insulin? Read the rest of the article to learn all about it.
What is the source of insulin?
If you are wondering what is the source of insulin? The answer is always the pancreas. The pancreas is primarily responsible for producing the hormone insulin. When the pancreas senses an increase in blood sugar, it produces more insulin to overcome cell resistance and lower blood sugar.
Over time, this can cause the pancreas to deplete insulin-producing cells, which is common in type 2 diabetes, which can lead to nerve and organ damage due to persistently high blood sugar levels. It can help reduce insulin sensitivity (how well cells respond to insulin). To reduce insulin resistance.
Ways to improve insulin sensitivity
- sleep well
Lack of sleep can harm your health and increase insulin resistance. Getting enough sleep can help reduce the resistance of cells to insulin.
- Playing sports
Ongoing stress is associated with an increased risk of insulin resistance, but a regular combination of relaxation exercises, exercise and sleep can be beneficial for reducing stress and improving cells’ response to insulin.
- Avoid gaining weight
Obesity, especially in the abdominal area, reduces insulin sensitivity, and losing weight can help increase insulin sensitivity, thus reducing the risk of developing diabetes.
- fiber intake
Eating soluble fiber helps feed the beneficial bacteria in the gut.
- Fruits and vegetables
Fruits and vegetables that are high in plants help increase insulin sensitivity, but be careful not to eat too many fruits at once because some fruits are high in sugar.
- Natural herbs and spices
Natural herbs and spices such as garlic, fenugreek, turmeric, and ginger can help increase insulin sensitivity, but they should not be taken without consulting a doctor.
Cinnamon is a great answer to the question: What is the source of insulin? Cinnamon can help increase insulin sensitivity as it improves glucose transport into cells.
Vinegar can help increase insulin sensitivity by improving the action of insulin and delaying the release of food from the stomach so that the insulin has more time to work.
- cut carbs
Eating fewer carbohydrates throughout the day and choosing foods with fewer carbohydrates is a smart way to increase insulin sensitivity.
- Avoid trans fats
It is best to avoid industrial trans fats as they increase the risk of many diseases, and there are some animal studies that link consumption of trans fats with higher blood sugar levels.
- Reduce added sugar
Consuming large amounts of fructose is associated with an increased risk of insulin resistance, and foods with high amounts of added sugar are also high in fructose.
- Nutritional supplements
Chromium and magnesium supplements have been linked to increased insulin sensitivity, just as resveratrol increases insulin sensitivity, especially in people with type 2 diabetes, but you should consult your doctor before taking any type of supplement.
Dear reader, after you know what the source of insulin is? ? How can you improve insulin sensitivity?