Enhance children’s self-esteem to build strong personalities

Enhance children’s self-esteem to build strong personalities
“My child is very shy and afraid to try something new and get close to his relatives and friends. What should I do? ” Of course there are many children who suffer from low self-esteem which leads them to shy away from the participation and integration of others and always wait for someone else to follow, but it is possible to strengthen their confidence Children themselves and how to develop into a child with a strong personality? Follow us.
Signs of low self-confidence in children
The first thing that you need to do now is to determine if your child really has this problem and may have several signs that tell you that he needs help, as follows:
- The child avoids any difficult activity or task without trying because it fails.
- The child quickly gives up and becomes frustrated as soon as he begins a task or game because he feels the inevitability of losing.
- The child will lie or cheat as soon as he feels he is losing the game or competition, or because he is performing poorly in it.
- He behaves in such a ridiculous manner as a small child that his peers make fun of him, which makes his condition worse.
- Blaming others or making false excuses and belittling important events.
- Poor academic performance and boredom from the activities he was doing.
- His isolation from family gatherings and his distance from friends due to poor social skills.
- Mood swings such as anger, sadness, frustration and calmness.
- Expressing himself negatively and criticizing his appearance, his clothes, and everything he does.
- He always finds it difficult to face criticism or even accept a reward.
- Excessive sensitivity to any comment or opinion of it.
- Being affected and mimicking negative behaviors that he sees in his peers are stronger than him, such as learning to insult and hit, neglecting classes, disrespecting others, and can sometimes relate to smoking and teens who try drugs.
Causes of low self-confidence in children
There are several reasons why a child can lose confidence in himself and lose self-esteem. In fact, parents can have most of these reasons:
Compare with others
It is normal for the child to compare himself with others from his brothers, colleagues and relatives, and he can compare what he owns and what others own of tools and toys, as well as compare the living and material situation.
Increase pressure for better performance
This is due to parents and teachers in the school who unconsciously put the child under pressure in order to improve his performance and increase his results, whether in study or in sports and compared to his colleagues. He loses with his friends and brothers.
Feelings of inferiority
Some children feel inferior and lack sufficient competence no matter how hard they try, although this is not a requirement for children’s self-confidence, which is the child’s area of interest, but the child cannot do it satisfactorily.
Constant criticism and rejection from others
especially by adults whose opinions the child cares, such as parents, older siblings, teachers or athletic coaches; If a child receives criticism or disapproval of his performance, he thinks that it causes disappointment and will never be able to make him proud of it.
Excessive parental protection
Parents’ excessive fear and constant worry that the child is trying to do something or do something alone leads to the weakness of the child’s personality and makes them believe in their inability and weakness of their mental or physical capabilities.
Strengthening children’s self-confidence
In fact, there are several ways in which you can build your child’s self-esteem so that he can grow into a strong and self-reliant personality in adulthood.
- Always praise him for his good behavior and performance, even when it’s unsatisfactory, but you know he put in the effort and assure him that you trust his abilities and he can get a better result.
- Give your child opportunities to compete in competitions and challenges, even when they are young and family first. Let them make the decisions and take the opportunity to develop their leadership skills.
- Talk to him about the differences between people and that “no one is better than one”, but “one is different from the other” and everyone definitely has something that sets them apart.
- Watch TV or surf the Internet with him, discuss with him, always ask his opinion and let him explore his interests on his own.
- Children’s confidence can be enhanced by encouraging them to choose an ideal, and it is better to have more than one person to develop their skills and acquire the qualities that they are looking for in these people.
- Crying is never a shame, especially for baby boys who grew up in boys and men don’t cry! civilization. Know that you don’t have to be shy about expressing your sadness and crying over it, even if it’s only in front of your parents.
- Encourage your child to express his feelings freely and for you to understand them.
- Encourage your child to make good friends of both genders and participate in activities with them.
- Cultivate empathy in your child and take others’ feelings into account when dealing with them.
- If your child is following a tradition of bad behavior due to a lack of self-confidence, never allow such swearing at home. Set clear rules for this from an early age.
- Ask the child behavioral scientist to find confidence-boosting games or self-confidence activities that you can follow or participate in.
Many people think that the problem of children’s self-esteem lies more in women than in men, but the same is true with them, especially in light of the current openness and the emergence of a comparative culture that children unconsciously accept and may accept from them. Their parents, and we must stress that if you are unable to solve your child’s problem, it is necessary to consult a specialist or specialist in mental health and behavioral problems in children.