
Symptoms of excess zinc or zinc poisoning .. How is this condition treated?

Symptoms of excess zinc or zinc poisoning .. How is this condition treated?


Zinc is involved in more than 100 chemical reactions in the body. It is essential for growth and the sense of taste. It also supports wound healing, immune function, reproductive health, and many other vital functions in the body. However, taking zinc daily should not meet its needs. What is it mainly because it causes something called zinc poisoning? Symptoms of excess zinc in the blood that cause poisoning? This is what we will learn dear reader, continue with us this article.

What is zinc toxicity?

Health officials have set the maximum tolerable daily intake of zinc at 40 mg per day for adults, which is the highest recommended amount of zinc and unlikely to have any negative side effects for most people.

However, experts point out that although some foods can provide amounts much higher than the maximum daily intake of zinc, there are no documented cases of zinc poisoning from food sources, but it can occur from supplements or ingestion of products. Household cleaners containing zinc.

Symptoms of zinc overload

Vomiting and nausea

A review of 17 studies on the effectiveness of zinc supplements in treating the common cold showed that zinc can shorten the duration of colds, but reduce the usual side effects of vomiting and nausea. This was the case for 46% of the study participants.

Diarrhea and abdominal pain

Stomach pain and diarrhea usually occur. In addition to nausea and vomiting, approximately 40% of the above study participants had stomach pain and diarrhea, and intestinal irritation and bleeding were also reported. Digestive system but often.

With flu-like symptoms

Taking more zinc can cause symptoms similar to those of the flu , such as fever, chills, cough, headache, and fatigue. These symptoms occur with other medical conditions, but may be more difficult with zinc poisoning.

Low good cholesterol

Zinc supplements of more than 50 mg per day can lower cholesterol levels , while taking zinc supplements does not affect bad cholesterol.

changes in taste

An excess of zinc can affect your taste buds and can also cause a bad or metallic taste in your mouth.

copper deficiency

Zinc excess doses can impair the body’s ability to absorb copper, and this can lead to copper deficiency over time, affecting metabolism and red blood cell production, and can also affect red blood cell production. white blood cells

frequent infections

Although zinc plays an important role in immune system function , too much zinc can suppress your immune system.

Excess zinc treatment

If you think you may have zinc poisoning, contact a hospital or poison control center immediately as the condition can be serious and life-threatening.

Doctors may recommend drinking milk because it contains high amounts of calcium and milk phosphorous . It can help reduce zinc absorption in the intestine. Activated carbon has a similar effect, and in severe poisoning, a chelating agent is used to rid the body. Excess zinc is bound to the blood and excreted in the urine instead of being absorbed into the cells.



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