Types of hair dyes: and important tips on how to use them

Types of hair dyes: and important tips on how to use them
The history of hair dye goes back to antiquity where some evidence was found of the use of hair dye in the Pharaonic and other civilizations. Today the hair dye industry is one of the most economically powerful in the world. Use different types of hair dye to change hair color and choose the right dye. It is common in both women and men. However, it can still pose health risks. What we will discuss in this article.
The original source of hair dye
Hair is made up of two main parts, the hair follicle and the hair shaft. The location of the hair follicles at the hair follicles. It attaches each hair to the scalp. While hair follicles contain living cells, the hair shaft contains none. Hair color comes from the pigment melanin, which is produced by hair follicle cells.
Types of hair dye
When dyes are used, they can remove the original hair color or add a new color to the hair shaft. Hair dyes can be natural or synthetic.
Synthetic dyes are divided into permanent, semi-permanent and temporary dyes.
1- Types of permanent hair dye:
It goes deeper into the hair shaft. It is shampoo resistant. It makes a series of chemical changes to increase the penetration of the dye into the hair. This whitens the natural melanin and damages the hair. These products usually contain harmful chemicals such as ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. The darker the color of the dye, the higher its concentration. This could put you at risk of developing cancer.
Even with permanent dyes
Some studies have shown that this increases the risk of breast cancer compared to women who do not resort to such artificial colors. Contact with these chemicals on the skin can cause skin redness, itching, sores, and burning. Therefore, gloves should be worn when using synthetic hair dye to reduce toxins that can negatively affect the skin. In addition, disposable gloves should not be worn more than once.
2- Semi-permanent dyes:
Semi-permanent dyes are used to add color to hair, but they do not lighten it. The color can be removed with shampoo 4-12 times. Although semi-temporary dyes also contain chemicals that can cause natural melanin to be removed. However, the damage is not as severe as that caused by permanent dyes.
3- Temporary dyes:
The color covers the hair shaft but does not penetrate the outer layer of the hair shaft. It can be easily removed by shampoo 1-2 times. These types of dyes are made of water, organic solvents, and a few other elements.
And to learn more about natural hair dyes. Read this article: Natural Hair Dye: The Fastest Way and Best Results
Dangers of artificial hair dye
Risks associated with the use of some synthetic hair dyes include:
- Hair loss: permanent dyes that contain harmful chemicals such as ammonia and peroxide are widely used. This leads to hair loss and damage.
- Allergic reaction occurs: Synthetic hair dyes contain paraphenylenediamine, which causes an allergic reaction. Therefore, people with sensitive skin can experience a severe reaction. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid using it for skin diseases such as eczema and psoriasis.
- Asthma rush: Hair dyes contain sulfates. Which can lead to an increase in asthma. Constant inhalation of these harmful chemicals can lead to coughing, pneumonia, and asthma.
Tips and precautions when using
If this is your first time using hair dye. Do a test by applying the dye to a small area of skin. So that an allergic reaction does not occur when applying paint on the hair.
- Leave the color mixture on your hair only for the period of time indicated on the product package. Do not exceed the specified time in order to preserve your safety and the safety of your hair.
- Wear rubber gloves or for single use when using hair dye. But leave them outside after use. This is to protect the skin from the dangers of toxic chemicals found in types of industrial dyes.
- Try to avoid contact of the paint with the scalp as much as possible. In order not to cause internal chemical reactions or develop the risk of an allergic reaction. Therefore, it is preferable to use a brush or comb to separate the dye from the scalp.
- Do not try to combine different types of dyes . So that there are no serious health risks.
- The scalp should be rinsed well with water after the dyeing process is completed.
- Do not try to use artificial dyes to dye your eyelashes or eyebrows . It can permanently damage the eyes. It can lead to blindness.
- Avoid using bleach. Where can you radically change hair color? It will hurt her like changing the hair color from black to blonde. So it is better to make a drastic change in hair color. Use a wig to serve the purpose without harming the hair.
- When choosing a dye color. You need to choose a color that is close to your natural hair color. It is most appropriate to reduce the contrast between skin tone and hair color.
So it is better for you and your health. Before buying, check the content of synthetic dyes and pay attention to the proportion of chemicals. It is also preferable to resort to natural hair dye. Because it does not contain any of the chemicals that can harm your health. you may need it. Like henna hair.