Symptoms of concussion in children and how to treat and prevent your child from it

Has your child suffered a head injury? Or did you fall on your head while playing? Are you afraid of concussion? Learn more about the symptoms with us through the following article Concussion in children what to watch out for, what to do next, treatment and prevention methods:
What is a concussion?
A concussion is a type of brain injury that occurs as a result of a sudden acceleration of the brain. A concussion usually occurs as a result of a direct injury to the head, but it can also occur as a result of a blow to the neck, face, or body and head and rotation of the brain with great force.
The most famous cases of concussion usually occur in athletes, but this condition can affect many, including children. Studies have shown that millions of children experience concussions annually, but most recover completely after several weeks.
Symptoms of concussion in children
A child could suffer a serious injury or a blow to the head, but most children or teens don’t usually tell their parents if there is a problem. Therefore, parents should be aware of the symptoms of concussion in children, including the following:
Common symptoms:
Common symptoms of concussion in children include:
- Move in unusual ways.
- Answer the questions slowly.
- Loss of consciousness for a moment.
- Changing behavior and mood.
- Inability to remember events before or after the injury.
- headache or pressure in your head;
- nausea;
- vomiting;
- Balance problems.
- blurred vision
- A change in sleeping habits.
- Confusion and poor concentration.
Most of the above symptoms usually appear immediately after infection, but in some cases they may not appear until several days after infection.
More serious symptoms:
If any of the symptoms listed below occur, you should seek medical attention immediately or go to the nearest emergency room. Some of the more serious symptoms include:
- Headache that gets worse or doesn’t go away at all.
- Feeling of weakness or numbness.
- Nausea and vomiting are common.
- stutter;
- When a child feels sleepy for a long time and cannot wake him up.
- Enlarged or enlarged pupil (the black part in the center of the eye) in one eye compared to the other.
- cramps.
- Inability to distinguish places or people.
- increased confusion or irritability;
- unusual behaviour.
- Prolonged loss of consciousness.
Symptoms of concussion in infants
Babies cannot tell mom or dad if there is a problem, so if a concussion is suspected, mom or dad should watch out for the following symptoms in the infant in addition to the ones listed above:
- Inability or unwillingness to breastfeed or eat.
- Constant crying and inability to calm the baby.
- Lose all interest in your favorite games.
- Loss of recently acquired skills.
What to do if your child has a concussion
If a child is playing and you are injured or hit on the head, the following steps should be followed:
- Immediately stop playing and watch the child.
- If a concussion is not confirmed, it is also best to stop the child from playing and return to the activity that caused the injury.
- Call your doctor immediately if any of the above symptoms occur at any time, whether it is right after an infection, several hours later, or even several days.
How is concussion diagnosed in children?
The pediatrician receives a detailed description of what happened to the child, as well as the child’s medical history, and also asks about the possibility of the child having suffered multiple blows to the brain or body, whether or not he lost consciousness, and when he was unconscious. restore again.
Other questions may focus on whether you have a history of ADHD and whether you have learning, sleep or mood difficulties. All this information will help him or her develop a treatment plan that is appropriate for the child’s condition.
Usually, the child does not need to undergo an imaging examination such as a CT scan or MRI of the head, but this usually depends on the condition of the child.
It is important for parents to understand that having a concussion means a problem with how the brain works, not that the structure of the brain is damaged but that you still have symptoms of concussion, so pay close attention.
Treating concussion in children
Recovery from concussion varies from child to child, so it is essential that parents find the right balance in order to maximize the effectiveness of treatment. Here are the most important things you can do:
- For a while, cut back on physical activities that require a lot of focus.
- The child should rest for a day or two after the injury and can try quiet activities such as talking with family or drawing. However, if these activities interfere with symptoms, they should be stopped and retry after a while.
- Avoid or reduce the amount of time you watch television or electronic games or use your cell phone to avoid worsening symptoms.
- Avoid driving in the case of teenagers.
- Avoid all kinds of sports and activities that may lead to further head injuries.
- Help the child get enough sleep.
- Do not listen to loud music, especially before bed.
- Avoid drinking caffeinated beverages.
- Take naps as often as necessary during the day.
- A child can be given acetaminophen or ibuprofen to treat a headache for the first few days after the injury, but medical approval must be obtained first.
How can the school help with the treatment plan?
You can talk to the school administration about the child’s condition. Here are some of the ways a school can help your healing journey:
- Give the child breaks during or between lessons.
- Give the child a short day at school.
- More time to complete the required tasks.
- Postpone the test for the affected child.
- Provide a quiet place if the child is allergic to noise.
After the symptoms subside, some activities can be resumed, but gradually, and the child is monitored. After his complete disappearance, he may return to activities normally. As for sports, you should not resume them until after consulting a doctor for approval.
Recovery time after concussion in children
Most children feel better within two weeks of having a concussion, according to the CDC, but there are some cases in which concussion symptoms in children can last for months or longer.
According to the results of some studies, about a quarter of children still suffer from headaches a month after the injury, about a fifth of children suffer from fatigue, and the rest find it difficult to think compared to before the injury.
It is noteworthy that, unfortunately, some children may suffer from what is known as post-concussion syndrome, which causes the symptoms to persist for a long time, and this occurs especially in children who have had a concussion more than once.
How can a concussion occur in children?
The risk of concussion increases if you’ve had a concussion before, as scientific evidence shows that repeated concussions can cause permanent brain damage, even if the injuries occurred at different times. achieve this:
- Ensure that the child wears protective equipment, such as a helmet, in any sports that require contact or make them vulnerable to head injuries.
- For young children, homes should be installed, places where the child can hit his head and a safe space to move around and play freely without any hindrances.
- Installing a suitable child seat in the car.
- It’s important to teach a child that they need to let you know if they’ve had a head injury or are experiencing symptoms that you didn’t notice.