How do I know the ideal weight for a child?

How do I know the ideal weight for a child?
The weight of the child is one of the most important factors in the expression of the child’s general health. Find the answer to your question in this article How do I know the ideal weight for a child? And learn how to deal with the thinnest children and overweight.
How do I know the ideal weight for a child?
The child’s weight depends on several factors, including some medications that affect weight, hormone work, genetic factors, and the child’s sleep behavior, and some pathological conditions affect the child’s weight. This is the ideal average weight for one child at any age.
at the age of two
The ideal weight for a boy at the age of two is about 12.7 kg and for a girl about 12.1 kg.
at 3 years old
The boy’s weight is about 14.4 kilograms, and the girl’s weight is about 13.9 kilograms.
at 4 years old
The boy’s weight is about 16.3 kilograms and the girl’s weight is about 15.9 kilograms.
at the age of five
The boy’s weight is about 18.5 kg, and the girl’s weight is about 18 kg.
How to deal with a skinny child
After knowing the answer to your question, how do I know the ideal weight for a child, it is possible to know whether the child is underweight or underweight, if the child is underweight, every visit to the pediatrician according to the child’s standards, if the child is underweight, the growth chart, and can Also determine it when the baby’s clothes do not tighten with age or when you can clearly see the baby’s ribs, and to deal with it you should follow the following tips:
- Some healthy fats should be added to the child’s diet as the child can have peanut butter with fruits.
- Healthy oils such as olive oil can be added to foods.
- Use nutritional supplements for children after consulting a doctor.
- Avoid juices that are high in sugar as they hamper the appetite of the child.
Dealing with obese children
Now that you have the answer to the question of how do I know the ideal weight for the child’s question, you will learn how to deal with the child’s weight gain because if you find that the child’s weight is higher than normal, then you need to make some changes in the lifestyle of the child to avoid the risks caused by being overweight you can follow the tips next:
Increase the activity of the child
Kids need to do every physical activity every day for 60 minutes to burn extra fat and get rid of extra calories. The 60 minutes can be spread throughout the day and divided into different activities such as cycling, running or swimming.
Avoid processed foods
Processed foods contain large amounts of calories, which leads to a noticeable weight gain, so you should avoid processed foods completely and use healthy alternatives. The child should also eat a variety of vegetables, fruits and whole grains.
Avoid juices and sugary foods
Sugary foods cause a lot of damage, such as tooth decay and weight gain, so you should avoid them or try to reduce them as much as possible.
Follow healthy eating habits
In order to maintain an ideal weight and get rid of excess weight, it is necessary to follow correct and healthy eating habits, such as eating in the kitchen.
Maintaining the general health of the child
The child may face comments about his weight or physical appearance that could harm him psychologically. Therefore, the child needs to realize that losing excess weight is the primary goal in order to maintain his health and prevent obesity.
And now, dear reader, I know the answer to your question , how do I know the ideal weight for a child? And I learned some important tips about baby weight. If the baby’s weight has changed significantly, you can see a pediatrician. My best wishes for health and wellness to all children.