
What damage caused by high levels of phosphorus in the blood? What’s the solution?

What damage caused by high levels of phosphorus in the blood? What’s the solution?


Although phosphorous is one of the most beneficial and essential minerals for the health of the body, and its deficiency is a health problem that needs proper treatment, its excess in the blood can also be a problem that needs to be treated, a condition known as hyperphosphorous or phosphate in the blood if you want to know What are the effects of increased phosphorous in the blood? Exactly, follow this article with us, dear reader.

Symptoms of high levels of phosphorous in the blood (hyperphosphatase)

An elevated level of phosphate or phosphorous in the blood is called hyperphosphatase. Hypocalcemia is often accompanied by the deposition of phosphate with calcium in the tissues of the body.

Most people with high blood phosphorous have no symptoms, but in some people with chronic kidney disease, high levels of phosphorous lead to low levels of calcium in the blood.

  • muscle cramps;
  • Numbness and tingling around the mouth.
  • Bone and joint pain.
  • Bone weakness.
  • hasty.
  • itchy skin;

What damage caused by high levels of phosphorous in the blood?

In order to know the damage caused by an increased level of phosphorous in the blood, we need to know what exactly happens: When the level of phosphorous increases, calcium combines with phosphate salts, which leads to a lower level of calcium in the blood or “ calcification of the blood, and this increases the risk of developing conditions .” next:

  • High levels of thyroid hormones (secondary hyperthyroidism).
  • Experiencing seizures.
  • A bone disease called renal osteonecrosis.

Because of this complication, people with severe kidney disease who have high levels of phosphate in their blood are more likely to die.

Causes of increased phosphorous in the blood

Most people get between 800 and 1,200 mg of phosphorous per day from foods such as red meat, chicken, dairy products, fish, and fortified cereals. Phosphorous is found in the bones, teeth, and cells of the body, and in much smaller amounts in the blood.

The kidneys help remove excess phosphorous from the body to maintain its balance, but when the kidneys are damaged the body cannot remove phosphate salts from the blood quickly enough, which can lead to chronically high phosphorous levels.

Other possible causes of hyperphosphatemia include:

  • Low thyroid hormone levels.
  • cell damage.
  • High content of vitamin D.
  • Injuries such as muscle damage.
  • Severe infection all over the body.

Treating excess phosphorous in the blood

Limit foods that contain phosphorous

Examples of foods high in phosphorous that should be reduced include:

  • the milk.
  • red meat;
  • chick.
  • fish.
  • walnut;
  • beans.
  • yolk.


Diet alone will not lower your phosphorous levels enough to correct the problem. You may also need dialysis, which removes waste, salt, extra water, and chemicals such as phosphate from your blood.

Also read: Symptoms of high sodium levels, associated risk factors, and how to treat them.


In addition to diet and dialysis, certain medications may be needed to remove excess phosphate. Some medications help reduce the amount of phosphorous your gut gets from the food you eat, including:

  • Calcium phosphate binders (calcium acetate and calcium carbonate).
  • Fosrenol drugs.
  • Seflamir hydrochloride .



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