Food sources of vitamin D: and where is it found in vegetables?

Food sources of vitamin D: and where is it found in vegetables?
Vitamin D is important for the bones and the body in general, and although this vitamin is manufactured in the body under exposure to sunlight, its deficiency is incredibly prevalent, so it is important to know the sources of vitamin D in different foods.
Various sources of vitamin D.
Vitamin D is a nutrient that the body produces when exposed to sunlight, but a very large percentage of the world’s population may not get enough sunlight and therefore suffer from a vitamin D deficiency.
One reason for vitamin D deficiency is that people spend more time indoors, wear sunscreen, and eat foods with few good sources of the vitamin.
The body receives the vitamin in three ways:
- Sun rays.
- food sources.
- Nutritional supplements.
Food sources of vitamin D.
There are a variety of foods that contain vitamin D, albeit in varying proportions, but they are considered a contributing source in treating vitamin D deficiency, along with sunlight that preserves the vitamin, including:
1. Salmon
Salmon is a fatty fish and a rich source of vitamin D (100 grams) Farmed salmon contains approximately 526 IU of vitamin D.
The proportions can vary depending on the type of salmon, whether it is farmed salmon or wild salmon, as well as by weight.
2. Herring and sardines
These small fish are also one of the best sources of Vitamin D. 100 grams of herring provides about 27% of the recommended daily allowance of vitamin D and sardines provide about 177 IU of the recommended daily allowance.
There are several other types of oily fish that are good sources of vitamin D as well. For example, halibut and mackerel provide 384 and 360 IU, respectively, per half of a slice.
3. Canned tuna
Canned tuna contains about 268 international units of vitamin D (100 grams), which is about half the recommended daily amount. It is also a good source of niacin and vitamin K.
Unfortunately, canned tuna contains methylmercury, a poison found in many types of fish. When these toxins accumulate in your body, it can lead to serious health problems. Therefore, it is recommended not to eat a lot of canned tuna with caution.
4. Oyster
(100 grams) Oysters contain only 68 calories but are rich in vitamin D, and oysters contain vitamin B12, copper and zinc.
5. Shrimps (Shrimp)
Unlike most other seafood sources that contain vitamin D, shrimp or prawns are very low in fat because they contain a fair amount of the recommended daily amount of vitamin D and beneficial omega-3 fatty acids.
6. egg yolk
In addition to seafood, there is also eggs because they are a source of vitamin D and are rich in other elements important to the body such as protein, although there is protein in the egg white, there are often other elements such as vitamins and fats that also contain the yolk.
Where is vitamin D in vegetables?
Mushrooms are the only vegetable source that contains vitamin D. Mushrooms produce the vitamin when exposed to ultraviolet light, but they produce a type of vitamin D derivative, D2, while D3 is made from animal sources.
Although vitamin D2 helps increase vitamin D levels in the blood, it may not be as effective as vitamin D3.
Vitamin D sources in fruits
Unfortunately, it is difficult to mention fruits that contain vitamin D because they are almost non-existent, but this does not mean that you deprive your body in general of fruits because they are rich in other elements that are very important and useful for the body, especially vitamin. C, which is also important for immunity, for example.
Best juice for vitamin d deficiency
If you are a juice lover, orange juice is fortified with vitamin D for the body. So you need to do a good research on it and make sure to mention it when you buy it in the store as some items may not be supported.
Where is Vitamin D found in abundance?
Cod liver oil is a rich source of vitamins. If you don’t like fish, you can take cod liver oil supplements to get some nutrients not available in other sources, such as omega-3.
It is an excellent source of vitamin D as one tablespoon contains approximately 448 international units, which is more than half the recommended daily amount and can be toxic. .
Food rich in vitamins
Fortunately, some foods are fortified with vitamin D, such as:
- Dairy products.
- I’m milk.
- Cereals and oats.
In the end and after knowing the different sources of vitamin D we advise you to get enough of them to meet your daily needs without taking other supplements, and we advise you to go out in the sun for a very moderate period of downtime. Because this is the main source and discuss the optimal timing with your doctor.